A Prayer For Self-Acceptance, Health and Peace

Dear lord, 

Thank you for creating me in your image and likeness. I am grateful that I am here today for a reason and purpose.

Help me love and accept myself the way that you created me. Let me honour this temple with my words in how I address it, in my thoughts and feelings in how I view it and in my actions, the way I eat. Let me not be gluttonous, but feed appropriate portions, Let me not be lazy but exercise regularly, let me not overwork, but rest sufficiently and let me not take in harmful and unhealthy food and substances. Help me treat my body with love and respect.

Sustain my health in body and vitality. Protect me from all forms of ill health, injury or malformation. Heal any sick cell and balance chemicals in my body where they may be imbalanced. Heal my body from any allergies and reactions, and let it not attack itself in any way. Protect and strengthen my immunity to fight against all forms of pathogens. Give me a healthy strong body all my days, and bless me with a long and peaceful life. 

My Lord, give me peace beyond human understanding in all circumstances. Let me not carry all my problems on my shoulders, but instead, teach me to submit all my anxieties to You Lord. Let me pray and rejoice in all circumstances and put my trust in You.

In Jesus, name, I pray, Amen.


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